Our Exciting Transition
“Chase down your passion like it’s the last bus of the night.”
– Terri Guillemets

We hope you had a great Thanksgiving holiday! We can’t believe this was our 2nd Thanksgiving in Florida. We miss Omaha so much, and yet we are 100% certain this is where God wants us to be.

In case you missed the announcement, we have recently transitioned from Campus Ministry to the Jesus Film Project (still a ministry of Cru). We are super passionate about the vision and mission of this ministry! We use the power of film to create opportunities for people to engage with the life-changing story of Jesus no matter where they are in the world.

The Jesus Film Project is in a unique position to share Christ with all the unreached people groups in the world with the most powerful evangelistic and church planting tool available: the Gospel on film in every person’s heart language. This tool is especially effective at reaching the 2 billion lost people on earth who are illiterate and will perhaps only be reached through audio/visual strategies.

We are on pace to have the film translated into all 7,000 languages spoken on earth by 2025. This means we could be 8 years away from saying there is no longer any such thing as an “unreached people group”. Last year alone we saw over 40 million new decisions for Christ and 40,000 churches planted. God is doing incredible things!

End of the Year Needs #GivingTuesday
“If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together” – African proverb

family picAs we continue to trust God for every tongue, tribe, and nation, we also trust Him to provide for our financial needs on this mission field. Right now we are in need of $9,200 to cover the cost of medical expenses from 2017. This year has been challenging health-wise, but we feel encouraged to have a great doctor helping us get to the root issues.

Friend, may we ask you to specifically pray about giving a special, year-end gift of $300, $200, or $100 to help meet this need? Thank you for considering this. You may give online HERE. Your response by December 23rd is appreciated!

Whatever you decide, our deep appreciation for you is unwavering. We are so grateful to the Lord for you.

Thank you for partnering with us!
Lee and Chelsea Bickerstaff, Isaiah (13), Asher (5) and Uriah (3.5)