From the Middle East (missionary names changed for security)
I was in complete shock. There was a sea of black in front of me, 200 fully covered women packed sitting shoulder to shoulder. They were nearly all wives of radical men, jihadists. I feared that when they realized I was about to show them a Christian film, they might kill me.

“Lord, this is in Your hands.”

I went to the front, before them. And their eyes! They were filled with hate. “Lord,” I prayed, “only You can do this. This is Your problem to own and solve.”

My husband Amir and I were working as a film team that day, showing refugee wives ‘Magdalena,’ a version of ‘JESUS’ for women. Amir inserted the DVD into the player and pressed play. I fully expected some to bolt, to leave the building angrily. But no one moved. I couldn’t believe it. They were transfixed, eyes focused, ears hearing the words of Jesus. Then came the cross and resurrection of Jesus, to them offensive concepts.

When the film was over, I again went before them. Prompted by the Holy Spirit I declared, “You have seen the God who loves you so much that He sent His Son to die for you. You have a choice to make this day.” I lifted my left arm and pointed to my left. “You can either follow the dead founder of your religion and go to hell, or,” pointing to my right with my other arm outstretched, “you can receive Jesus, the living God who died for you and was raised to life. Would you pray with me if you want to follow Jesus?”

As I prayed there was much weeping among them. They were saying ‘Yeshua,’ ‘Jesus,’ ‘Isa is the true way, the true God.’ I then asked those who wanted to follow Jesus to raise their hands. Not one, not 20, but ALL OF THEM raised their hands! All 200 decided to follow Jesus! They began to take off their head coverings. Their angry, hopeless eyes were gone. They were beaming with joy, smiling. They began to hug one another, and me, saying ‘Thank you, thank you…for the first time in our lives we know we are loved.'”