students 1On July 7th, we left 58 college students in Orlando, FL to finish out the remaining 5 weeks of Summer Project without staff. Each year without fail, once staff leave the project takes off. Students step up, lead with boldness and zeal, and really take huge steps of faith trusting God to use them in the lives of their co-workers. In the power of the Holy Spirit, these students are “riding waves of faith” and experiencing the privilege of being used by our great God.

Below is one students’ experience thus far on project.

“ I work in the outdoor foods department in Magic Kingdom. Some of my coworkers are from France, Haiti, Morocco, Puerto Rico, Turkey, China, and Australia. Over the past seven weeks, I’ve had the opportunity to share how God has changed my life with His eternal love and grace. I recognize how cliché that may sound, but we as Americans are spiritually spoiled with how accessible the truth of the Gospel is to us. This is knowledge that we have no right in hoarding. God is alive, well, and working! Before this project, I thought of Him largely as a dormant volcano or a sleeping giant, but this is not who God is. I have woken up to the reality that God is at work and the harvest is absolutely plentiful. What has surprised me the most so far on this trip is how hungry people are for God. They desire Him so much more than I anticipated. They need who God is.”


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