One of our former female student leaders from UNO is currently in South Africa on STINT (Short Term International) with Campus Crusade for Christ.  STINT is a one or two year program on an international university campus.  The focus of STINT is evangelism and discipleship with opportunities for training and personal development.  This former student emailed me (Chelsea) an awesome story that she was able to be a part of during a World Cup outreach.

“Several Campus Crusade ministries partnered together to hand out DVDs featuring 6 soccer heroes who have found the ultimate prize…new life in Christ. The DVD is called The Prize. Well, one of the students was able to hand the DVD to the president of Cameroon soccer and he was so moved by the message, which is the Gospel, he wanted all the DVDs we had so he could show his players and people in his organization. He said ‘People must know.’”
It is so cool to see God use college students to share the Gospel message here in Omaha and half way across the world.  This recent graduate was able to put the Gospel in the hands of the president of Cameroon soccer and now he is doing the same by sharing the Good News with his players.
Lee and I are excited to invest in students who can have a lasting impact for the Kingdom.