internsOur summer assignment this year is coaching interns. Which means, we coach recent college graduates as they raise their financial support to serve for one year with Cru. Every week we talk with our interns asking how support raising is going, challenging them to take bigger steps of faith and boldly ask potential partners to invest in what God has called them to do, and press into how our interns are doing in their personal walk with the Lord. Between Lee and myself, we have 7 interns going across the U.S. and Africa.

Lauren and Angelo took some time to share more about their experience raising support, please read:

“God has been teaching me that I’m completely out of control. People I thought would be my biggest supporters end up not being able to and random people I just met seem to be the most excited and supportive financially. It’s mind blowing to see God move in people’s hearts the way I can’t.” -Angelo
“I love being able to invite others to be a part of what God is doing in a country (Cote d’Ivoire) that is so open to the Gospel. I know it will build my supporters’ faith in God as we are helping build the students’ faith in God.” -Lauren
“Many of the people I contact have families and can’t go overseas themselves, so to extend an invitation for them to still have an impact gets them excited.” -Angelo

It’s so fun to walk alongside these men and women as they trust the Lord. We’re excited to watch how God uses them over the next year as they work to share the Gospel with college students around the world.