erinWin students to Christ; Build them up in their faith; Send them from the campus to the world. This is the mission of Cru. This is exactly what Erin Pagenkemper (pictured below, 2nd from right) is doing. Erin graduated from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in December 2013. She landed a job in Omaha shortly thereafter and entered her work field with a vision bigger than her bi-weekly paycheck.

Q: Why do you desire to spend time with your co-workers outside of work?
A: I understand the importance of community. You spend roughly 2080 hours at work every year. I want to create meaningful relationships. I want to feel included, welcomed, and a part of something as much as they do. I genuinely believe people do better work if they are happy. Happy people feel loved, and appreciated. That’s what good relationships do.

Q: How have you seen God work in your life as a result of being intentional in your work relationships?
A: God has helped me to be less critical of myself. I want to love and accept my co-workers where they are, and in turn they are doing the same for me.

Q: How did your involvement in college and/or college ministry prepare you to be around non-Christians without being awkward?
A: Probably the most important thing for me was being involved in the Greek system at Lincoln. In many ways, it helped to create a space where I could develop the relationships (and eventually where I could bring in my spiritual side). But developing quality relationships with people came first. I never wanted to be that Christian who was so focused on converting people and then wouldn’t spend the time to help them grow and develop. It’s like dropping someone off in a new city without a map. It’s hard to figure it out by yourself. But growing together takes time and energy—actually getting to know and live life with someone else is not something you do over one cup of coffee. Therefore, my base focus is on people. Laugh, be quirky, and get to know them. Everyone wants to feel a part of something and to be known.