Lee speakingIt was 1:15am on Sunday, January 20th when I (Lee) started sweating profusely. I was 15 minutes into a 30 minute talk to 65 high school students at a Cru HS lock-in. I started second guessing myself big time: was my talk taking too long for high school attention spans? Were they tracking with me? Oh geez, do they see me sweating?

I was speaking on the Greatest Commandment (Matthew 22:36-40) Love God, Love People. But the punch line of my talk was that it is impossible to Love God or Love People the way Jesus did without God the Holy Spirit living inside us. And that only happens as a result of confessing our desperate need for Jesus and asking Him to be the Lord and Savior of our lives.

After giving the students a chance to receive Christ with me through prayer, I closed my talk and went home to bed. The next morning I got a text from the Cru High School staff saying 14 of the 65 students prayed with me to receive Christ for the first time! I was overcome with gratitude that the Lord would use me and speak through me in such a powerful way!