We challenge our students to see themselves as a “sent one” upon graduating college, whether the Lord sends them to the business world, legal field, teaching environment, or mission field. It’s especially exciting when a student comes to us and says, “You know, I sense the Lord asking me to go on STINT with Cru.” These were the words of a former UNO student who is now serving in East Asia. This student has pledged one year of his life to serving the Lord overseas with Cru. Below is one of the many amazing stories of how God is using him in the lives of students.

“After our final Christmas party, I was speaking with a couple of friends, B and H, who I had met at an English club. They were excited about the games we had played and what they had learned about Christmas. “I think the Christmas story you told us was true!” B explained to me. “Now I know the meaning of Christmas.” A week later, my friend Y and I sat down with B and H in a cold cafeteria to teach them more about Jesus. Together, Y and I unpacked the gospel, relating it back to the Christmas story and gospel presentation they had already heard. After some questions and thinking, both B and H decided that they wanted to pray to receive Christ! Y led them in prayer, and we continued talking until they had to go home to study for finals. B and H are two new believers at a school with many new believers. They are far from a good church and mature believers but God is blessing their school despite many obstacles! Please pray that these believers might grow together and that a good church might be found or planted nearby.” [Names have been changed and the picture blurred to protect the identities of the students]