God has provided an extraordinary opportunity in a very closed country. Nearly every home in this nation has satellite television.

What was impossible is now more than possible: “JESUS” is being broadcast into millions of homes, in 30 languages, 24/7. Best of all: thousands are responding. Once-unreachable people are responding, believing, following Jesus!

Check out this report from the field:
“Through satellite broadcasts, we are seeing people come to faith all over this closed country, and from isolated places where previously there has not been a single believer.

A group of seekers who watched ‘JESUS’ on their television wanted to learn more … another new believer took them to a plantation, for secrecy, where they would not be seen. The seekers listened, believed, and wanted to be baptized immediately in a nearby pond! The husband thought of 5 friends who needed to hear the good news and went to them. Then came the resistance.

He was arrested and put on trial. There were 200 people watching as the religious leaders challenged him to recant. He refused, clinging to the death and resurrection of Jesus, that he had found the Truth. All the authorities could do was scold him and command that he no longer speak about Jesus.

Soon, he had led five more people to the Lord. At night, 15 Nicodemus types, including religious leaders, came to meet with him secretly, asking more questions. Several of them had watched the broadcasts. Then 5 more leaders wanted to learn about this Jesus. I know of another man who, after watching and believing, shared the gospel individually with 100 other people, all from the same dominant religion.”

Broadcasting ‘JESUS’ in 30 different heart languages around the clock is truly a game changer! Access to the gospel is becoming more available. In some places, it is becoming more acceptable to talk about Jesus in public places. We are working to get many more translations broadcast and to add more people to ensure that seekers are followed up. These are incredible days.