• Balancing work and family. We are home schooling Asher and Uriah just for this year, and added to our new roles at work, it has been challenging.
  • For the last few weeks I (Lee) have not been sleeping well. While I don’t feel anxious during the day, I’ve had very anxious dreams that keep me restless.
  • Chelsea is now on the super strict diet that our doctor had me on the last 5 months. Hopefully this will eliminate the yeast in her GI tract. I get retested in about a month to see if my treatment was successful.
  • Asher and Uriah have had a pretty bad cough all week. Please pray for all 3 of our boys (and Chelsea’s mom) that everyone would stay healthy while we are away in Canada for our 10 year anniversary.
  • For a great time of connection for Chelsea and me on our trip!