We love working with Jesus Film Project! And apparently the feeling is mutual because they keep giving us more and more responsibility. 🙂

Starting August 1st Chelsea and I officially started our new roles, both of which involve higher levels of leadership.

Chelsea is the “Mobilization Director” for US Strategy. This means she oversees 5 teams that are focused on getting Americans more engaged in the Great Commission: Jesus’ command to go and make disciples of all nations. A recent Barna study asked American church-goers this question: “Have you ever heard of the Great Commission?” Only 17% could answer, “Yes, and here’s what it means.” What an opportunity to re-educate American believers about the call to missions and get them into the game!

I (Lee) am the “Associate Director” for US Strategy. I get to help lead our entire department as we exist to equip and mobilize people in the US to reach their communities and the entire world with innovative media and methods. One big task for us is to re-think how we approach media sophisticated countries with digital, gospel-centered tools. If we can adapt and create the right tools to reach people living in America, we can transfer those strategies to every media sophisticated country in the world.