“Isn’t God Good?”

Last month, Lee was invited to speak at the first weekly Campus Crusade meeting of the semester at the University of Nebraska-Omaha.  Lee shared with the students what Campus Crusade has to offer […]

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Paintball Outreach

Our staff team has purchased paintball supplies to use as an outreach/student development opportunity.  A couple weeks ago, students were invited to play at our director’s house.  Around 20 students showed up . […]

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Life Transformed 40 Years Ago

Lee and I were in Tulsa, OK several weeks ago on a support raising trip.  While there, we were able to visit the church one of our supporters attends.  During Sunday school, Lee […]

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Thinking Outside the Box

We have been blessed by several individuals who have partnered with us in ways other than financial giving.  For example, Gary and Sue have opened their home to us while we continue raising […]

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People Are Already in Line

Divine Intervention The word had already spread through the bleak streets of Brownsville in Brooklyn, New York. Be ready — Pastor Billips is bringing food. Pastor Willie Billips regularly picks up boxes filled […]

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