While in Daytona we had the opportunity to get onto the local campus and engage with students in spiritual conversations. Being new to the Campus Crusade family, I (Chelsea) found this experience encouraging and consistent with the heart of Campus Crusade.  Even though we were in Daytona for training, we were still given the opportunity to share the message of Christ with students.  Lee and I had the privilege of talking with a young woman named Dena.  When we walked up to Dena she was sitting alone in the cafeteria.  We used the Solarium tool to begin a conversation with her and narrow the focus of the conversation to heart issues.  Dena was familiar with the Bible and fairly knowledgeable about Christ; however she felt like she needed to “get serious” about her walk with Jesus.  We were able to encourage Dena to fully pursue Christ and provided her with information about the Campus Crusade movement at Daytona State College.

The opportunities to share Jesus with others aren’t limited to the college campus.  A fellow “new staffer” was able to cultivate a relationship with an employee at our hotel who worked in the laundry room.  By investing in her our friend was able to share the Gospel and as a result the employee accepted Jesus into her heart—her life has been changed for eternity!  We heard several stories like this throughout our time in Daytona.  It is cool to be a part of what God is doing across the country.