“The world has yet to see what God can do with and for and through and in and by the man who is fully and wholly consecrated to him. I will try my utmost to be that man.” – D.L. Moody

Three of the guys that I (Lee) disciple live on UNO’s South Campus. If you don’t know, South Campus is home to most of the university’s super smart engineering, business, and computer science students. These guys are no exception; each one will no doubt become a key leader in his field after college.

We have spent the last few weeks of our discipleship times working on our mission statements (below are their rough drafts). I am proud of these guys for being so ahead of the curve when it comes to doing the hard work of defining their unique contribution to advancing God’s Kingdom. Imagine the impact these men will have in their future offices, families, and neighborhoods if they continue to live out their mission statements!

Andrew – Sophomore, Architectural Engineering
To strive for excellence, walk in grace, and lead by serving for the glory of God in order to direct others toward Christ and fulfill God’s purposes for my life.




Bryan – Freshman, Businessbryan
To be a man who walks in humility, not speaking in boast; joyfully entering the battlefield the Lord has called me to, never cowering in the face of adversity; to be a beacon of light by being a blessing, not ever tearing down my fellow man; all this, in order to point others toward Christ who strengthens me.


Taran – Freshman, Computer Sciencetaran
To serve people around me by giving unwavering guidance, protection, and provision in order to help others understand that life and meaning are found only in God.