Anna lives in a region of India known for great spiritual darkness.

An astounding 20 people attempt suicide every day and women are turning to prostitution just to survive. Parents are dying from HIV/AIDS, leaving thousands of children as homeless orphans. These people desperately need hope.

In this context, someone simply invited Anna to come watch a movie: “Magdalena: Released from Shame,” the women’s version of the film “JESUS”. It was in her language, a wonderful story. She sank down, discouraged, lost. The movie began.

Distracting thoughts swirled in Anna’s head. It’s not their fault they’re poor, she thought of her parents. But I hate that I had to quit school! And then to force me to marry a man for his money. It’s not fair!

This despair had led Anna to kill herself, but she failed. Then she felt kindness from a Stranger …

She watched as a man named Jesus, whom she had never heard of,  showed kindness to the women He met, restored a prostitute, ministered to a woman at a well, and more. He demonstrated a divine love to women like her. She became convinced that Jesus loved her too, that He was the living Son of God who died to give her life eternal. Anna surrendered her life to Christ and was released from shame.

Returning home, the darkness was gone! Today, she and her family are believers, set free, attending a local church. It began with an invitation to watch a film in her heart language, and ended with hope and eternal life. Praise the Lord!
