From North Africa:
The man on the small screen captivated Yasmine. This elderly woman watching Magdalena: Released From Shame (another one of our films) in her home had never before thought about following Christ. But as Jesus spoke with and cared for the women in the film, she realized how deeply He loved them—and loved women like her.

yasmineYasmine quickly called her daughter and friends in to see the film, which was being streamed in their language on a satellite TV station. They were overwhelmed and amazed at how Jesus reached out to Magdalena and the other women in the movie. His care for these women and their needs touched the viewers’ hearts.

“It is the best story I’ve heard,” Yasmine later said. She explained that she placed her faith in Jesus because, when she watched Magdalena, she saw how He forgave the sins of the women who came to Him. After the film aired on TV, Yasmine went to her town’s church, where believers had previously screened Magdalena. The people she met there gave her a DVD of the film, which she now cherishes.

“I did not believe Jesus would be interested in me also. At last I’ve found peace. Now I tell all my family and friends about Jesus.”

While Yasmine has joined the church, she can’t always make it there in her old age. But she joyfully shares the love of her Savior with many women by showing Magdalena in her home.