Last month, Lee was invited to speak at the first weekly Campus Crusade meeting of the semester at the University of Nebraska-Omaha.  Lee shared with the students what Campus Crusade has to offer them—  Jesus and community—as well as his testimony and experience in Campus Crusade during his college years. Lee had asked me if I would be willing to share my story as well.  I prefer not to speak in front of large groups, but I agreed.  My prayer was that God would use my college experience, my story, to bring glory to Himself.  I shared with the students the lies I believed during college and how those lies influenced my actions and decisions.  I was very candid and open with them.  Afterwards, one student came up to me, crying, because she believed some of the same lies and was struggling with guilt and shame.  Another student sent Lee and I the following email:

“I thought you had some fantastic and powerful things to communicate to us, and you did it in a way that was challenging and exciting … thanks for speaking! Isn’t God good? That’s so evident in your story, Chelsea, thanks for being brave and sharing!”

Yes, God is good. He used our stories, our willingness to be used by Him, to point these students to Himself and challenge them in their walk with Christ. He has given Lee and I the opportunity to invest in the lives of students who are seeking Him, growing in their relationship with Him, and those who are returning to Him.  We are privileged to share with students that we all need the Gospel…Christians and non-Christians.  Isn’t God good?