Imagine having the privilege of leading a Muslim woman to faith in Jesus Christ.  Or the opportunity to disciple a Sudanese man who just indicated a decision to give his life to Jesus. Who wouldn’t want to experience the  joy  of reaching people across the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ?

Campus Crusade is looking for willing individuals who have a heart to see people around the world changed forever by the Good News of the Gospel. If you have an email address (and who doesn’t these days) and the willingness to step away from surfing the internet, reading blogs, or watching re-runs on the television…then listen up!

Take a moment to check out Here you can literally see hundreds of people in countries all around the world pray to receive Jesus and ask for follow-up  live on your computer screen.

You can sign up to volunteer at  You can make a eternal difference and enhance the Kingdom without ever leaving your home!  How cool is that?!  Take time to check it out and seriously consider being an online missionary.

“The harvest is great, but the workers are few.  So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask Him to send more workers into His fields.” Matthew 9:37.