
In March, I (Chelsea) had the opportunity to go to Granada, Nicaragua for a few days to train Adventures in Missions (AIM) Gap Year participants. This group consisted of 48 young men and women between the ages of 18-21 years old who have decided to give 9 months of their lives traveling the world, serving and telling people about Jesus.

Due to political unrest in Nicaragua, my co-worker and I were nervous about getting through customs/security because we were bringing equipment (backpack with projector, screen, etc) into the country that we were giving to the AIM staff. Praise the Lord, we didn’t have any issues and none of the equipment was confiscated.

We spent Saturday morning training the Gap Year participants how to use JFP short films to initiate and engage in conversations with people. After a few hours of training and practice, we sent them out into the local community to use what they had just been taught and equipped to do.

After dinner Saturday night, we were able to debrief with the Gap Year participants. Overall, they loved the JFP app and one young man said, “I wish we had this tool months ago. It’s so easy and helpful to begin a conversation.”

Below: 1st pic: AIM participants watching “Delight”, which is one of JFP’s most popular short films. 2nd pic: Chelsea training AIM participants (it was very hot and windy!)