Chadron State College is a small school of 2,500 students in rural northwest Nebraska. Last fall, several members of our staff team headed to Chadron to help student leaders with an event hosting 9/11 survivor Sujo John. The day of the event so many students were sick with the flu, the school was canceling classes! Staff and students were beginning to think that no one was going to show up to hear Sujo speak. They began praying and turned it over to the Lord knowing His will would be done.

At the time of the event, students started flooding the Ballroom to hear Sujo. The largest room on campus was packed with over 400 students! Sujo shared his story and explained how to begin a relationship with Jesus. Over 100 students made decisions for Christ! Over the next 3 weeks, a local pastor and 9 student leaders personally followed up with over 200 students! For a college of only 2,500 students that was an amazing turnout and God is doing even more amazing things on the campus of Chadron State College. Lives are being changed, students are putting their faith and trust in Jesus Christ and desiring to walk with God for a lifetime.