Pictured below are 50 soon-to-be Cru interns and their coaches—and Chelsea and I have to privilege of coaching 10 of them this summer! This is the same summer assignment we had last year, so that must mean we did a really good job because they asked us back. 🙂 Last year we were able to leave Asher and Uriah (aka “our minions”) with Chelsea’s parents for the training conference, but that kind of blessing was not to be had this time around. They spent 5 days traveling with us 1,100 miles to/from Denver and we have since decided that they will be flying with grandparents to Florida when we move at the end of the summer……

Come August 1st, these interns will be sent from a life of public education to a grown up job doing vocational ministry. They are preparing to spend one year telling others about Jesus, serving the campus and community, and taking big steps of faith……beginning with trusting the Lord to raise up a team of financial partners. Our job is to come alongside them and help them stay on track with their financial support raising goals, encourage them, challenge them, confront them, and celebrate with them when God completes their ministry team.

It’s refreshing to hear their zeal, excitement, confidence and determination to share with people what God has called them to do and invite them to partner financially. And we love working with students who have a big vision and a big faith, so this assignment is a good one for us.
