Central America

Tired from a long day’s journey, David grudgingly walked into the hut, greeted by unwelcoming faces. He’d been here a few times before, trying with little success to find a “person of peace” (Luke 10:5-6) in the village. While his church-planting team stood outside in the rain, David pleaded with the villagers to let them stay the night.

Coming up with several excuses to get the ministry workers out of their community, the villagers finally stated they simply did not have enough coffee to serve them. David continued attempting to break down their walls, detailing the long trip he and his team had been on that day. But the villagers had made up their minds and wouldn’t budge on their decision—until David mentioned having a film in their language. He could show it that night, if they wished.

The sour mood in the hut quickly turned to excitement. The villagers were thrilled with the idea, and the hut began to buzz with conversation. They had to make plans. Who would they invite? Where would they show it?

The villagers swiftly invited David and his team inside and served them hot coffee—coffee the village seemed to be out of just moments before.

That night a group gathered in the dark and watched the JESUS film. The next morning, as the team was preparing to leave for their next village, their host asked when they would be back.

He wanted to see the film again.

David and his team visited four other villages on their trip, several of which had previously not allowed them in. This time each community welcomed them and allowed the film screening. While no one received Christ as Savior that trip, the team was incredibly thankful the Lord opened doors to communities once so resistant to the good news of Jesus.

film showing