stick-family-3inWe apologize for not getting the June prayer letter to you. Adjusting to life with 3 more kids took time, patience, and energy– Lee and I were (and still are) on a huge learning curve. THANK-YOU for your prayers and overwhelming support as we’ve transitioned to life as a family of six.

By God’s grace, the transition has gone well. Isaiah, Alexis, and Nevaeh have added so much joy to our home. They adore Asher! He receives more hugs and kisses than anyone else in our family. All three are inquisitive, smart, respectful, entertaining and helpful. It’s been rewarding to watch each of their personalities emerge as they become more and more comfortable with us.

The kids have 3 friends in our neighborhood who they play with everyday. They attend day camp Monday thru Friday; loved participating in Vacation Bible School; completed one round of swimming lessons at the YMCA; and are signed up for soccer and Boy/Girl Scouts in the fall. Between their activities, Cru socials, laundry, cooking, cleaning, cuddles, raising support, refereeing arguments, trips to the zoo and Children’s Museum, preparing for and hosting a birthday party every month (yes, we have a birthday in June, July and August), random dance parties, spending an entire weekend de-licing the girls and addressing Isaiah’s poison ivy there isn’t a dull moment in the Bickerstaff household anymore. 🙂

Each morning we read from “Jesus Calling for Kids” and each evening we spend time talking about various attributes of God from the book “Because God is Awesome.” This time spent together is priceless. To hear the kids share their thoughts and insights about God is one of the most precious moments Lee and I experience as their parents. Their child-like faith has challenged us in our personal walks with Jesus.

We appreciate your continued prayers as God continues to bind our family together.