Lee sharing with Catholic and Muslim studentThe main goal of Lee going to Cote D’Ivoire was to finalize a partnership between the Omaha Metro Team and the Ivorian Cru team. We are committed to sending as many staff and students to Cote D’Ivoire as often as we can for the next 5 years to help them continue to reap the plentiful spiritual harvest there. Another reason we are so excited about this partnership is the opportunity to reach Muslim students for Christ. The country is 50% Muslim, has a Muslim president, and the northern section is in the infamous 10/40 window. BUT, there is no militant Islamic presence, the president is married to a Catholic woman, and Muslim students are eager to hear the gospel! (Right) is Lee and an Ivorian student leader sharing the gospel with a Muslim and Catholic student. It was so encouraging for Lee to hear the Muslim student reading God’s Word out loud in French as he followed along and asked questions!  This particular student did not receive Christ that day, but 2 of the 15 students that did come to Christ during the trip were Muslim. And the vision of Cru students and staff in Abidjan is to take the gospel north and reach more Muslims. So exciting!!!