My job title for this year in Orlando is “Business Analyst”. Basically I (Lee) get to analyze and research road blocks within Cru that have a nation-wide impact, propose solutions, implement and test the solutions, and run project management for the solutions. A little different than what I’m used to on campus, but the opportunity to fundamentally improve the way we reach college students with the gospel is exciting!

chick-fil-a-1Recently I got to travel with my team to Atlanta, GA to meet with Innovation Leaders from Chick-fil-A. Our goal was to learn some best practices from a business whose goal is to “become synonymous with innovation in the restaurant industry”.

We learned the importance of asking “crazy questions” like: “What if it became illegal to share the gospel in America – how would we keep fulfilling the Great Commission?” We also discussed the importance of fostering a culture of innovation within Cru. Our staff on the field have to feel empowered to be creative in the way they reach students on campus. Our job as a National Operations Team is to build the infrastructure to take the most effective ideas and make them quickly available to other staff around the country.

Gifted Cru staff members are introducing students to Christ on campuses all over the country. I get to help make sure that impact gets multiplied exponentially.
