Deeper With Jesus

Spring brings with it new life.  Lee and I have been experiencing a fresh, deeper, budding relationship with Jesus since getting back from Florida.  We enjoy spending time with Him each morning and […]

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Outreach at Daytona State College

While in Daytona we had the opportunity to get onto the local campus and engage with students in spiritual conversations. Being new to the Campus Crusade family, I (Chelsea) found this experience encouraging […]

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White House White Out

We planned to travel back to Omaha via the East Coast to visit friends and ministry partners.  However, with 55+ inches of snow dumped on the DC/Philly area we had to re-route our […]

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Training at the El Caribe

We made it! After spending 28 hours in the car over a 5 day period, we arrived at the El Caribe “Resort” in Daytona Beach, FL on January 3rd. The hotel is goofy […]

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Chelsea’s Thoughts

Thank-you SO much for all of your support in getting me to New Staff Training!  All the money we needed came in and I’m so excited to be here.  My time here, thus […]

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