Omaha Men’s Retreat 2011

Ten young college men moved into our house for a night in January, along with three staff guys and one girl (me). The night was designed to get these young men to challenge […]

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16th St Flash Mob

The 1,100 students flooded the 16th Street Mall on New Year’s Eve to take part in an eight-block long flash mob. A flash mob is a group of people who assemble suddenly in […]

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Did You Know?

The total market value of illicit human trafficking is estimated to be over $32 billion–more than Nike, Starbucks, and Google combined. An estimated 600,000 to 800,000 children, women, and men are trafficked across […]

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Online Faith Experience

On the second day of the conference students were challenged to initiate spiritual conversations with friends back home via Facebook and texting. At first, some students were apprehensive about sharing their faith over […]

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Meals for Haiti

Just over a year ago an earthquake ravished Port-au-Prince, Haiti, but God is still moving. This year, the students at DCC gave over $30,000 of their own money to Feeding Children Everywhere–an organization […]

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DCC – “Free”

Every year at Denver Christmas Conference (DCC) from December 28-January 2 college students from all over the Midwest come to grow closer to Jesus Christ through prayer, powerful worship, passionate Bible teaching, and […]

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Year-End Ask

If we had to pick one way to describe this last year, it would be “faith-stretching”. Right before the year even began, we trusted that God would provide the $7,000 we needed for […]

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Updates from around Omaha

The other four couples on our campus ministry team have also been busy bees! Across the metro area, over 1,000 students who filled out Spiritual Interest Surveys have been followed up. There are […]

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