Big Family News

“For I know the plans I have for you……….” Jeremiah 29:11
This verse has come to mind A LOT over the last 13 months encouraging us, convicting us, and challenging us to trust in God’s plan and timing. Long story, but here is the nutshell version:

In August 2011, our nephew and nieces- Isaiah 8 years old, Lexi 7 years old, and Nevaeh 6 years old- were taken into foster care in Kansas. Due to many things, mainly continued drug use, their mom and dad (Lee’s brother and sister-in-law) have been unable to reunify with the kids and they have remained in the foster care system. While reunification has been the primary goal over the last 14 months, Lee and I have been taking steps (e.g. foster care classes) to prepare to foster and/or adopt the kids, if needed. Last week we attended a court hearing in which the State of Kansas would decide whether to give the kids’ mom and dad more time to complete their case plan or move forward terminating their parental rights, therefore placing the kids up for adoption. Last Thursday the judge ruled in favor of terminating parental rights and moving forward with adoption being the primary goal in the case.

There are many steps that need to take place over the coming months (i.e. pre-trial, trial, etc), so this process will not happen overnight. However, as we have prayed about what to do, it is clear that God is calling us to adopt these kids if and when the time comes – and God continues to provide for us and open doors to make that possible. The most like scenerio at this point is for the kids to come to Omaha in May.

So, Asher will be born in November and 3 more kids will join him 6 months or so later, taking our family of 2 to a family of 6 very quickly! Overwhelmed? Yes! Excited? At times. Humbled? Yes. Trusting in God’s plan for us and our family? By His grace, doing so everyday.