Year-End Ask

If we had to pick one way to describe this last year, it would be “faith-stretching”. Right before the year even began, we trusted that God would provide the $7,000 we needed for […]

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Updates from around Omaha

The other four couples on our campus ministry team have also been busy bees! Across the metro area, over 1,000 students who filled out Spiritual Interest Surveys have been followed up. There are […]

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Fall Getaway 2010

UNO student, Brandon: “I was most challenged by the talk about the older brother in the prodigal son parable.  It reminded me that the older brother was sinful not only in questioning the […]

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Privilege of Giving

Lee and I met with a former UNO student last week who is going on STINT (1 year missions trip, Short Term INTernational) with Campus Crusade to the Ivory Coast in Africa.  She […]

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Nebraska Fall Getaway 2010!

We just got back from our state-wide Fall retreat, which we call Fall Getaway.  Fall Getaway is a huge momentum builder for us on every campus we work with. It’s been said that […]

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