
We are currently on a 4,000+ mile road trip across the country to our every-other-year Cru national staff conference in Fort Collins, CO. We will meet with thousands of other Cru staff (including our new Jesus Film Project team!) to worship, pray, and learn together. The boys have done surprisingly well in the minivan, and we praise the Lord for swimming pools and grandparents along the way!

The theme of our upcoming conference, entitled Cru17, is “WITH”. The purpose of our time is to seek to advance the mission of Jesus together by connecting WITH God, each other, and the greater body of Christ. We need to be WITH God, not just doing things for Him. And we want Him WITH us. We cannot share the life changing good news of Jesus without being WITH people. We’ll never move forward in justice, reconciliation, and honoring people of all ethnic backgrounds unless we learn to truly see one another and be in it together: to be WITH each other.

And the Great Commission, our call as an organization, is not meant to be done disconnected, but rather in community. Through a new portion of the conference called Connection Weekend, we are joining other organizations, pastors, volunteers, donors, community leaders, and other believers with a heart for seeing the world impacted by the body of Christ to “learn alongside others who are expanding God’s kingdom.” We’re excited to see new partnerships formed and new ideas being shared during the weekend. We believe that WITH God and WITH others, we can do great things!


Thank you so much for standing WITH us through our transition to the Jesus Film Project. WITH your prayers and support we’re able to play our part in the body of Christ as we all link arms to see the Lord fulfill His purposes through us!

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am WITH you always, to the end of the age.
~ Matthew 28:19-20 (ESV)