
We create opportunities for people to engage with the life-changing story of Jesus, in their heart language, no matter where they are in the world.

Jesus Film Project believes in the story of the gospel and the power of sharing this story through film. Our tools and resources serve partners around the world to connect with the unreached and unengaged—from remote villages to bustling city centers. With translations of the JESUS film in over 2,000 languages, our library of original narratives, and our digital app to distribute them all we are able to provide Jesus-centric media to meet any ministry need.

Chelsea and I have accepted the call to serve with the Jesus Film Project.

Our roles have large scopes, but the jist is this: Jesus Film Project is in a unique position to reach all the unreached people groups in the world (only about 400 groups left with 50k+ speakers!) with the most powerful evangelistic tool available: the gospel on film in every person’s heart language. With the tools and partners we have in place we should have the gospel of Luke (where the script of the JESUS film comes from) translated into every language by 2033.

Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us at $100/month or some other amount? We believe this ministry is at the center of what God is doing around the world, and it would be a privilege to partner with you.