For two weeks Jessica and the other Jesus Film team members walked from village to village looking to connect with Southeast Asians God was calling to Himself.

Upon entering one village, she and the rest of the team met the local chief. The leader opened his home to the travelers, fed them, and introduced them to the community.

To show their appreciation, the team asked if they could share a film with the chief. With a smile, he accepted their offer. After setting up their portable video equipment, the team showed Marea, projecting the short film from the Jesus Film app on a wall of the chief’s living room.

After watching Marea the chief said he related to the father from the story. He believed his god had blessed him with a great family and said, “My deepest desire is to be a good dad and chief to my village.”

Jessica said to her host, “You remind me of my own father. If he were here, he would tell you he is able to be a good dad because of his relationship with Jesus.”

At that point one of Jessica’s teammates asked the chief if the team could pray for him. He agreed.

Following the prayer the chief was visibly moved. “I have had many people come into my home but no one has ever prayed for me. You have blessed me very much.”

Please pray for the missionaries who, because of the Jesus Film app, now have an open door to share our Heavenly Father’s message about His Son with this chief and his village.

SE Asia chief