Lee sharing in classroomWhat does an Ivorian Cru staff person do at a 60,000 student university in Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire when the professor doesn’t show up to an English class? He walks in, asks who wants to hear the gospel, and students eagerly raise their hands! Pictured right is Lee taking 3 Ivorian students through the “Knowing God Personally” gospel tract in English. Lee was able to train the male student leader on how to use this tool effectively, while challenging the female students to trust Christ with their lives. This was definitely the most spiritually open campus Lee has ever done ministry on. After 10 days in Cote D’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) and only 5 days on campus Lee and his team were able to share the gospel with 135 students and see 15 of those students pray to receive Christ for the first time!