Prayer Requests and Praises

  • Please pray for Lee and I as we move forward with adoption. Honestly, I (Chelsea), battle trusting God’s plan and timing more so than Lee. We know God is asking us (and making it possible) to adopt the kids, but surrendering to His plan is harder some days more than others.
  • As our family grows, we are trusting the Lord for a mini van. Please join with us as we pray for this specific need.
  • Asher is scheduled to make his arrival in less than a month. Continued prayers as we prepare for his arrival would be appreciated. We are SO excited to meet our little answer to lots of prayer!
  • Lee is traveling to Colorado next week for a conference. Please pray for safe travels, good connection time with staff friends, and that Asher would stay put until Lee returns.
  • Praise: Cru in Omaha is going well. We are thankful for the ways God is working in the lives of students across the metro area..