A lot has happened in our lives since our last letter– classes around the Omaha metro started, we moved (yes, again) into an adorable house really close to campus, we’ve been blessed with two baby showers, and (the biggie) Lee was offered a job promotion! Let me explain………

In July, Lee received a phone call from someone in our regional office asking him to step into a Missional Team Leader (MTL) role for the Omaha metro. Shocked? Yes, but Lee has been itching for a bigger leadership position for over a year, so after taking some time to think, process, and pray we decided to accept the offer. As of September 4th, Lee is now the MTL for the Omaha metro area, which means…….A LOT more responsibility! Rather than focus all this time on one or two campuses, Lee is now responsible for overseeing Cru movements on all 14 campuses across the metro. He will spend a good amount of his time planning meetings with his staff team, raising money for the metro account, developing his staff (personally and professionally), training volunteers and faculty advisors, recruiting new staff and interns, and continue to meet and engage with students. While this new role is demanding, Lee is excited and humbled to lead, influence, and cast vision on a larger scale, as well as develop his leadership skills even more. Lee is using this year to “get his feet wet” and learn more of the expectations for his new role. He is also praying and seeking God’s heart, as he strives to lead staff and students towards greater intimacy with Jesus.

Lee was the MC at Fall Getaway