“How do you know the Bible is complete truth when it was written by men?” “Both Islam and Christianity believe in one god, so what makes them different?” “So you’re telling me I sin everyday? How?”

These were the type of questions Megan was asking me (Chelsea) and the other girls in her Freshman Bible study last semester. Although she had accepted Christ several years ago, Megan wrestled with unanswered questions regarding faith, God, and what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Cautious, skeptical, analytical, desiring, seeking. These are the words I would use to describe Megan’s relationship with God last semester.

In January she packed up her bags and headed to St. Petersburg, Russia to study abroad until May. Several of her friends at UNO and I have been praying that God would reveal Himself to Megan during her time in Russia; that she would experience Him in such a way her doubts and questions would be answered by God Himself and that she would experience Jesus in such a way her only choice was to follow Him. Several weeks ago Megan sent this Facebook message to her UNO roommate:

“Just writing a quick note because I am feeling pretty proud (in the good sense) right now. I just had my first (I believe ever) conversation with someone about my beliefs, why I have them and how I apply them to my life. (The questioner was agnostic and inebriated) and I think I answered them well because I got a couple high-fives…..that’s a good sign right? I’ve been praying for the Lord to use me while here and to give me strength and I could definitely feel it tonight.”

Shocked? Slightly. Thankful? Immensely. God has been working in her life WAY more than any of us imagined! The once “skeptical, questioning, believe in Jesus from a safe distance” young lady is now sharing what she believes and why she believes it with others. And she has been praying for opportunities, just like this one, to be used by the same God she questioned last semester.