Lee and I spent three beautiful days at the YMCA Center of the Rockies in Estes Park, CO. We were there for a follow-up ministry partner development (MPD) conference with Campus Crusade for Christ. Between sessions and talks we enjoyed time hanging out with friends, hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park (even though Lee was thigh high in 4 feet of snow most of the time), and spending time with the Lord.

We left the conference refreshed, re-energized, and very encouraged to continue pushing forward in finishing our monthly support. But, most of all, we left with a renewed reminder of why we joined staff with Campus Crusade for Christ. Our times with the Lord were convicting and comforting. God opened our eyes to lies we have been believing about ourselves, others, the Lord, and MPD in general.

We were humbled and uplifted to come before God and confess our sins, failures, and ask Him to increase our faith in His greatness and provision. We joined staff to help fulfill the Great Commission—reaching college students with the Goods News of Jesus Christ, inviting them to choose Jesus for a lifetime, and seeing their lives changed because of it.

It’s not about us, our timing, or even our preferences….it’s ALL about Jesus. We are honored, humbled, and excited to come alongside students encouraging, investing, and guiding them in their relationship with Jesus Christ. God has called Lee and I to the college campus to be His ambassadors and see lives changed by our willingness to be used by Him. Our time in Estes Park, CO has reminded us of that calling and we are excited to step foot on campus and watch what God does through us and the students.

Image courtesy djcodrin / FreeDigitalPhotos.net