If we had to pick one way to describe this last year, it would be “faith-stretching”.

  • Right before the year even began, we trusted that God would provide the $7,000 we needed for Chelsea to join staff with our Campus Crusade for Christ team; and He did, plus money to cover our food and travel for her training in Florida.
  • In May we stepped out in faith financially and Chelsea quit her part-time job while we were only at 48% of our monthly support; with Chelsea and I both focused full time on raising our monthly support, God has blessed and we are now at 80%.
  • We knew that we had to have free housing (with no strings attached) in order to give our full attention to our ministry while raising support, so we trusted God and, in faith, sent out an email; we got a response the next day and haven’t had to worry about housing since.

The best thing about trusting God is that He is trustworthy. Every time we step out in faith God responds, which increases our faith even more, which helps us step out in faith again. The experiences we’ve had this last year will prove invaluable as we use them to challenge college students to put their faith in Christ. College students want more than just theory and hypothetical situations; if they are going to give their lives to something, they want real life examples first.

As 2010 comes to a close, we are now trusting God to provide $8,000 to cover the shortfall we have experienced with Chelsea coming on staff this year. Would you consider giving a year-end special gift to help us with the cost of Chelsea’s first year on staff?

If you are able to help, please go to https://give.ccci.org/give/View/0518612 and follow the instructions.  Your response by December 10th is appreciated.

Thank you for partnering with us to challenge college students to put their faith in Christ!

Yours in Christ,

Lee and Chelsea Bickerstaff