UNO student, Brandon:

“I was most challenged by the talk about the older brother in the prodigal son parable.  It reminded me that the older brother was sinful not only in questioning the father’s motives and rejecting his brother, but that he rejected his father as much as the younger son had and for the same reason—he loved his father’s possessions more than his father.  The idolatry of the two sons were expressed in different outward sins, legalism and licentiousness.  I’d say that overall, I struggle with legalism.  In the parable, it’s sometimes easy to say that the older son wasn’t sinful until the end, but actually he was sinful the whole time and it wasn’t revealed until the end.”

This is just one of the many powerful testimonies we’ve heard from student’s experiences at Fall Getaway.  As staff, we are able to pour into students during retreats, like Fall Getaway, and help them recharge, refocus, and realign their hearts to match the heart of Christ. These mid-semester retreats are especially important to maintain and build momentum on campus.

The main question we asked out students: What idols are they serving that need to be knocked down and replaced with Jesus Christ?