Lee and I were in Tulsa, OK several weeks ago on a support raising trip.  While there, we were able to visit the church one of our supporters attends.  During Sunday school, Lee and I were introduced as missionaries on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ and after class ended an older lady approached us.  She was probably in her early-mid sixties.  She pulled out an old, faded evangelism tool Campus Crusade has used for years….”Have you Heard of the Four Spiritual Laws?” (The name has since changed to Would you Like To Know God Personally?”)  She had written several verse references on it in pencil, almost faded from the years.  She told us that 40 years ago she was led to Christ by a Campus Crusade staff member and that individual had used the same booklet she held in her hands to share Christ with her.  She still carries that little booklet with her everywhere she goes!  What an encouragement her story was to Lee and I.

This is the desire we have for every student we are able to invest in.  That they would give their life to Christ and pursue a life-long relationship with Him.  Imagine, forty years from now, how different the world will be if every college freshmen we talk with gives their life to Christ and walks with Him for a lifetime.  We are humbled to have been entrusted with such an important role at such a crucial time in the lives of students.