From India

An Indian pastor and a film team were visiting homes in a village, taking DVDs of “JESUS” and using a small projector. Without warning, the village chief ordered the film team to stop, claiming “Jesus is a god for a lower caste.”

They were forced to leave. But days later, the chief called the pastor, who was the leader of the team. The chief was desperate. “My wife is demon-possessed. She is having nightmares about snakes. She is screaming, and dancing like a serpent and prophesying against the village. The people are starting to worship her as their god. I’ve taken her to shamans, doctors and a Hindu priest. No one is helping. Can you? Would you come?”

He agreed and entered the chief’s home. Inside he found idols of snakes. As the pastor prayed, the evil spirit manifested itself, screaming, writhing like a snake. “I command you … in the name of Jesus leave her … Get out!” The spirit obeyed. Great relief came over his wife. The chief began to cry.

Overjoyed, he gathered the village together and asked the pastor to fully share the gospel and show the film “JESUS.” Everyone from the village came. As far as the team could see in the distance, they all raised their hands to trust in Jesus!

The following morning, people brought their images of the snake gods to the middle of the village—where together they burned them. That afternoon, the village chief said, “If this group would like a place to meet, I will give my home to be the place where people can gather in Jesus’ name.”