We are super excited to announce God has called us to transition from the US Campus Ministry to the Jesus Film Project! Once our current program ends this June, Chelsea and I will take on the role Directors of Recruiting.

This role is a big step up in leadership, and one the JFP Executive Team has been praying to be filled for the last two years.

Jesus Film Project is passionate about finishing the task of the Great Commission, and because of our tools, technology, and partnerships we are in a unique position to actually accomplish the mission!

We have undertaken the audacious goal of sharing Christ with every people group on the planet by the year 2025. The biggest missing piece in accelerating our efforts is full-time laborers.

So, our Kingdom contribution will be to help recruit more laborers to join us in reaching “Everyone, Everywhere” to continue to help fulfill the Great Commission.

This new position will require us to live in Orlando, FL and continue working at the Campus Crusade for Christ, Intl. headquarters. It is hard to leave our home in Omaha, but we are trusting God to provide everything we need for a smooth transition.