There are 5 billion people in the world who don’t know a true follower of Christ. As missionaries with Cru, we are trusting God to raise up 10 million Christ-centered multiplying disciples and 5 million new church plants by the end of 2020. 10 million disciples and 5 million new churches would mean that everyone would know at least one person who truly follows Jesus.

For the last 10 years we have helped fulfill the Great Commission by faithfully making disciples of Omaha area college students: winning them to Christ, building them up in their faith, and sending them out in the power of the Holy Spirit to win, build, and send others.

national scopeFor the next year we have the privilege of working alongside Cru’s Executive National Director of Operations in Orlando, FL.  We are going from thinking strategically about reaching 14 campuses, to helping build operational frameworks that influence how well students are reached on over 2,100 campuses across the United States. An exciting opportunity to say the least!

In order to step into this opportunity we need your help.  Right now we are in need of $4,800 to cover our moving expenses from Omaha, NE to Orlando, FL. May we ask you to specifically pray about giving a special, one-time gift of $300, $200, or $100 to help meet this need? Thank you for considering this.

If you would like to partner with us in this opportunity to help reach college students across the US with the gospel, you can give online here at our secure giving site.  Please include a note in the donation comments that you would like your gift to go toward this specific need.

Whatever you decide, our deep appreciation for you is unwavering.  We are so grateful to the Lord for you.

Thank you for partnering with us!
Lee and Chelsea Bickerstaff

P.S. Would you email us with a couple of prayer requests?  We would love to pray for those!