odbWe talk a lot about what God is up to at UNO because it is the flagship campus for our scope.  But God is at work all over the Omaha metro!  This week I (Lee) got to drop in on the Bible study group at one of the 4 Metro Community Colleges in our scope.  It was so encouraging to see our two faculty advisors there leading students so well in a time of study and prayer!  They have really made the time their own: each week they pass around Bibles and copies of the Our Daily Bread devotional to the 6-8 students and faculty that come.  Someone volunteers to pick a devotional, they discuss the Bible passage, and pray for one another.  This may sound simple, but it has proven extremely fruitful!  Samantha and Jesús were two of the students present who both said this Cru Bible study is the reason they are now walking with Jesus and plugged in to a church.  We praise God for faithful volunteers who are willing to invest their lives!