“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.  I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.” John 10:27-30

megan mAtheist. Skeptical. Self-reliant. Megan wasn’t actively pursuing a relationship with Jesus, but Jesus was pursing her. Megan started coming to weekly Cru meetings in January, as a non-believer, by invitation of her friend Shelby. Even though she didn’t believe in the Bible or Jesus, she continued coming to Cru events because she experienced Christ in and through other students: acceptance, love, intentionality, and genuine friendship. Over the course of the semester, her heart began to soften and on March 10th, Megan placed her faith and trust in Jesus as her personal Lord and Savior! Many students and staff had been praying for Megan all semester- what an answer to prayer!

Megan recently told me, “I asked Jesus into my life because it hit me that I can’t figure everything out, God has a plan for me that’s so much greater than my own. It’s exciting to have friends, staff on Cru, and church members teach me about Jesus and not expect me to know everything. I love others’ readiness to share their more seasoned knowledge with me since I’m a new Christian, and I love learning. It makes me feel accepted, loved, and not judged – just like when I first came to Cru.” God has been working mightily in the hearts of students all year long. It’s a privilege to walk (and challenge) with them as they learn more about Christ, take bigger steps of faith, and share the Gospel with their peers.

Thank-you for partnering with us as we work to meet more “Megan’s” and share the love of Jesus with them.